
March 31, 2014

Foster Update: Bahamian Potcake Dog

I was going to save this announcement for Ruby Tuesday, but I thought it deserved its own post. I have committed to fostering a Potcake Dog! Potcakes are a recognized type of dog in the Bahamas and named for what they are fed: the scraps of peas and rice caked on the bottom of the soup pot. Ruby's rescue group, Colorado Animal Welfare League, is involved in Operation Potcake along with the Humane Society of the Grand Bahamas, helping to spay and neuter the island dogs whose populations are out of control. While there, they earmarked about 15 dogs that they hoped to bring back to Colorado and make available for adoption.  With every American Eskimo foster falling through (which is wonderful for the dogs since it meant they were going directly to forever homes!), and having an open spot in my home and heart for a foster dog, I could not resist agreeing to take one of the Potcakes.

"Lydia" will be coming to stay with Ruby and me in a few weeks' time. She is still in the Bahamas and will arrive by plane. She is around 25 pounds and possibly 2 years old. I can't wait to meet her, and I will admit to thinking about any number of fun, tropical names for her and feeling slightly in danger of "foster failing" already. The Potcakes are said to have lovely, friendly temperaments. I just love her sweet smile and her little milk mustache and chin!

Photo Courtesy of Colorado Animal Welfare League


  1. An unusual situation of choosing your own foster - there were photos of all the dogs and hers spoke to me. She was one of the smaller ones as well as having that adorable happy face. It's no coincidence that she and Ruby match!

  2. Super cute. And good for you, fostering. I'll bet Ruby loves having a more confident buddy around.

    1. I guess she's been in the shelter a while - I have no idea what to expect but my house is fairly well set-up now with separate/secure areas. I'll of course be crating initally, and I plan to take a day or two off when she arrives to get them settled.

      Ruby really is happier in the company of other dogs - I still go back and forth on a permanent second. I know her individual training program would suffer but the interaction with her own kind might be equally valuable.

  3. Wow! That's so exciting! And such a wonderful thing you're doing for the little darling. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  4. She's adorable! Looking forward to lots of updates and pictures of them both together :)


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