
March 10, 2014

Liebster Award Acceptance and Nominations

The lovely Jenny of Vulpe's Adventures in Manchester so sweetly nominated Rubicon Days for a Liebster Award! Jenny is dedicated to her foxy little Romanian rescue dog and like many of us, working through the challenges of fear and reactivity.  I love reading about dog life in another country, and Vulpe is as cute as they come.

This award allows us to learn a little more about each other with fun questions, and introduce us to some new blogs. The rules are as follows:

  1. Link back to your nominator in your own blog
  2. Answer the 10 questions nominated to you.
  3. Nominate up to 10 other bloggers (with less than 200 followers) let them know & set them 10 questions too.
 My Answers to Jenny's Questions:
  1. What was the first film that really scared you?  I'm going to say Something Wicked This Way Comes, although I was as equally intrigued as scared. I love Ray Bradbury, autumnal atmospheres and creepy carnival settings.
  2. What was your first live concert? I'm cheating a little here, because I grew up in a small town and saw a few laughable local concerts, but my first real show was the KBPI Birthday Bash at Red Rocks in 1996: Bush, No Doubt and Goo Goo Dolls
  3. If you could only pick one sauce to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? It has to be Ranch.  I could eat veggies with Ranch every single day.
  4. Where were you born, and do you live there now? If not, why not? I was born in Boulder, Colorado, but spent most of my childhood in Cortez, Colorado. I now live in Denver.  I could not wait to leave the small town life behind, but more and more it seems to have its own appeal
  5. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received and why? My horse, El Corazon! Coro is almost 25 years old and I have had him since he was 3 and I was 15.  Since I paid a part of his purchase with my own money, I guess he was not technically a gift, but I will be forever grateful to my mother for allowing me to get him - it truly changed the course of my life. 
  6. Do you do your dream job? If not, what would it be? I don't think anyone dreams of working in the insurance industry.  My dream job would involve writing, organization and creativity.  I think pet blogging fits the bill, but I also like the idea of personal shopper, travel writer, or the person who names paint or makeup colors!
  7. Where would you like to retire to? Southern Spain. If I have to stay in this country, Carlsbad by the Sea in southern California. 
  8. What’s the last book you read? Scything Grace, a book of poetry by Sean Thomas Dougherty. 
  9. Who’s your number 1 celebrity crush? I tend to attach to someone in whatever show I'm currently watching, so presently it is Hugh Dancy from Hannibal.
  10. What’s your biggest guilty pleasure? I love to get up early on the weekend, make a big breakfast and watch a movie or binge-watch a TV series.  

My Nominees: (Many that I'd choose have already been nominated so my list is shorter)

  1. Growing Barefoot Bookworms
  2. His Muddy Pawprints
  3. Our Four Legged Family
  4. Fetch For Me Human
  5. Southwest Dogs

My Questions for Nominees:  

  1. What is your happiest childhood memory?
  2. Where is somewhere you have traveled that you would like to go back to?
  3. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
  4. What is the most daring thing you have ever done?
  5. What is your favorite restaurant where you live? 
  6. Who is your personal hero?
  7. If you could have another pet, what would it be?
  8. What do you feel is your best quality?
  9. What book are you reading now?
  10. What is in your perfect salad?


  1. What fun to read, thanks for taking part! I spent a wonderful 2 weeks in the south of Spain a couple of years back. The best holiday of my life :)

    1. I had wanted to go there for more than 15 years and it did not's my heart place.

  2. Love learning more about you. I'd have to say Pet Blogging for me too. Sauce - that's a tough one. Blue cheese? Maybe

    1. I love blue cheese for dipping veggie buffalo "wings"!


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