
March 23, 2014

Ruby Reviews: Wag Pac March Box

UPDATE: Please note that as of June, 2014, Wag Pac has discontinued its subscription box service. 

This month Ruby received a Wag Pac subscription box to review. She is always excited to see a package come through the door, as nine times out of ten it is for her!

For several reasons, this is my favorite subscription box yet, and I have tried quite a few. I currently have a six-month subscription to one, but think I'll be switching to Wag Pac when that one expires.  First of all, while many of the subscription companies donate to dogs in need, Wag Pac actually allows you to choose the rescue or shelter that your donation dollars will go to.  They have an extensive list to choose from, and I picked Colorado Animal Welfare League, the group responsible for pulling Ruby from a dismal southern shelter, fostering her here in Colorado, and making her available for me to adopt! They just got done with a spay/neuter operation for "potcake" dogs in the Bahamas and are definitely a worthy cause.

The item Ruby was most excited about (she actually stole away with it to the living room), we will be passing on (in slightly slobbered-on condition) as she is not allowed stuffies, but it was a very cute blue squeaky octopus from Kyjen.  The filling is made from recycled bottles and it would hold up to gentle chewers.  Here is Ruby making a grab for it:

Next was a Pet Blinker, something that will come in handy for walks at night, and a fun addition to the box.  I often wish more apparel and accessories were included and not just toys and treats, and this fit the bill!

The winning item, and the best single thing I've ever gotten in a subscription box, is the Alite Boa Lite Leash. This is a high-value item which makes up for more than half of the multi-month subscription price. I was thrilled that the green color matched Ruby's Up Country squirrel collar, and had to immediately leash her up and take it for a spin.  The leash is remarkably lightweight, has a built-in bag dispenser, a key pocket (although a full roll of poop bags leaves little room for anything else), a clip handle for tethering, and a utility loop perfect for attaching the Pet Blinker! The clip is on the heavy side, so it was too bulky for Ruby's front-clip harness and I'll reserve it for her back-clip equipment. 

Lastly, two full-sized packages of treats: Zuke's Mini Bakes and Fruitables Skinny Minis. Ruby is already a fan of the Fruitables and Zuke's, although we have never tried the Mini Bakes and will no longer be buying Zuke's products since they were purchased by Purina. My current subscription service features more small-batch, local companies and I do prefer that over the larger brands.  I hope that Wag Pac will be including a mixture of both in future boxes.  

As I said, between the awesome leash and the ability to choose your own donation recipient, Wag Pac will be at the top of my list when it comes time to pick a new box service.  I love getting surprises in the mail, and being able to share new toys and yummy treats with Ruby upon their arrival makes it all the more fun.  

Which is your favorite pet subscription box? 

DISCLAIMERI received the March box from Wag Pac in exchange for my honest review. 


  1. I love packages. My house is like yours, with about 90 percent of them being for the dogs. I have not heard of this one, and am a big fan of subscription boxes. I will have to check it out.

    1. I feel like a new one pops up every day! This is the first I've seen with customizable charity, a huge selling point for me.

  2. I still have yet to get a pet subscription box. I have been really wanting to but there are SO many to choose from. I like that you can choose a rescue of your choice on this one. Definitely worth looking into!

    1. Amanda, they are so much fun. I really have to stop myself from having more than one subscription at a time, because they are addictive! Watching Ruby jump and spin around when I bring the box in the house and "help" me open it is just priceless.

  3. Too many allergies for pet boxes. :(

    I'm curious about the stuffie ban. Silas does eventually destroy them (once he tears a hole I do immediately take the squeaker), but then he'll happily play with the empty carcass for ages.

    1. Ruby eats them. She will un-stuff them, and then nibble off and swallow little pieces of the "skin." We had quite a scare with a suspected obstruction (all was well) and that marked the end of stuffies for her. I still have a few in good condition that are locked in her kennel (i.e. "toy jail" as Ruby no longer spends time in there) and we'll get them out for fetch or tug once in a while.

      There is one box, Pet Box, that you can choose the contents, but it doesn't seem a good value to me and that takes the fun element of surprise away.

  4. I had one of those Alite leashed before. I really liked it but the snap was to big and heavy for Chester and Gretel :(

  5. I write reviews as well, my 2nd wag pac had 2 bags of treats and 2 toys. Just got it today so still have to post review - 2nd month in row with zukes treats. Hoping they go small business treats like barkbox but idk, doesn't seem like it. Also looks like they put an alite leash/blinker in everyones first box. No accessories this month so kinda worried they won't have anymore after the initial box... Here's my page though if you want to keep tabs on what they give - i'm on month 2 of 6. Depending on what treats they give i may switch back to barkbox but we'll see -


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