I picked up my foster potcake from the airport last night. I am going to say foster a lot, but you guys she is so sweet, Ruby is thrilled, and she's been very easy thus far, but I know the poor thing is probably shell-shocked. I loved the whole experience of picking her up, visiting with the other rescue people, and driving home with a weary traveler. Ruby was a maniac when I introduced them through the dog gate and I was initially thinking "oh, no, what have I done!" I couldn't really think of a better way to do the introduction on my own. Ruby was in barrier frustration overdrive, but once I took them for a walk outside things calmed down. Fostercake was very uncertain and didn't want to come back in the house at first, but pretty soon they were playing chase on the patio, and shortly thereafter, wrestling in the dog bed. She was very tolerant of Ruby, who can be overzealous and doesn't know when to quit.

Fostercake is really gentle - she takes treats more softly than any dog I've ever met. She was respectful of my elder kitty, and put herself to bed in the crate. She had a couple of accidents, which is to be expected, and has some itchiness that I'm going to combat with a bath and supplements for the time being. Ruby arrived very itchy, too, and it resolved fairly quickly.

I was able to take the morning off from work and the girls played a short game of tug with the rubber SuperTug and had an antler-chewing party before taking naps. We were up late and rose early this morning - I was hoping for a nap myself!
I just love the little stripe of white on her belly! And her wrinkly forehead and gremlin ears! Excuse the disjointed post - I wanted to share pictures but am not very eloquent today on five hours of sleep!
We're having a terribly windy day here today and in the interest of keeping things low-key, did not take a walk this morning. Ruby is nervous in the wind and it seems fostercake might be, too. The girls did soak up some sun on the patio before I had to leave for work. Ruby had no issue with being separated in the kitchen while fostercake stays in the crate in the living room - just a slightly modified workday routine for her. Fostercake seems content to catch up on her rest. I'll be so happy to see them again this afternoon!