June 25, 2014

WW 6.25.14: Cat Aglow

In celebration of Adopt A Cat Month I thought I would introduce my own!  I adopted Nina from the Larimer Humane Society on the Friday the 13th before Valentine's Day in 1998 and named her for my favorite band at the time, Nine Inch Nails. She is around 17 years old now and the best little kitty that ever was.

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  1. Wow, she is beautiful! And 17 too! Lovely photo.

  2. Nina you are so beautiful.Happy WW!

  3. How did I not realize you had a kitty too? Wow - 17!! She's just lovely!

    1. She does not make blog appearances often. She lives a life of mystery. I adopted her in college when I wasn't quite ready for a dog. She has been with me through it all!

  4. pretty cat :) love the little story behind her name too

  5. All my kitties are adoptees, either from the shelter or before being taken to a shelter.

  6. Oh, my goodness! She's so pretty. It almost looks like she could be Newt's mama!

    1. Looooove black kitties! Nina is very petite, only about five pounds.


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