
December 2, 2014

A Bounty of Food and Friendship for Thanksgiving

The Ginger Sisters had a wonderful Thanksgiving visiting family. It was Boca's first Thanksgiving and both girls' first taste of roasted turkey - I think it may be their favorite holiday yet! On Thursday morning I drove with my dad and the dogs to my aunt's house in Old Colorado City. The dogs were so excited that they whined most of the way, and the crawling traffic didn't help matters - if we slow down, surely we must be almost there! 

We arrived in time to see parts of The National Dog Show while we prepared our feast in the kitchen, with the dogs hovering hopefully underfoot. My favorite of the finalists was the Smooth Fox Terrier. Ruby and Boca wrestled with their cousins Hachi and Stevey and played in the backyard. We had the most beautiful weather - almost 70 degrees! A young couple, friends of my cousins, joined us and I was impressed with how well both girls did with meeting new people. 

My favorites from the meal were my roasted Brussels sprouts, the cabbage and carrot salad (a family tradition), the blackberry cobbler and brownies. All of the food was excellent, and the girls got leftover turkey in the rest of their meals during our visit, plus some to freeze and take home. My grandma exclaimed again what a good dog Boca is - she's loved her from the first meeting when she was still a "foster dog." We all relaxed on the sofa in true post-indulgence form and had a slumber party with four dogs on the bed. 

The next morning we took the dogs to a school yard to run around, but Ruby's freedom was short-lived as we discovered a gap in the fencing. Boca proved once again that her recall is reliable by bounding happily toward me each time I called. Later, my dad helped my aunt with a home-improvement project while I visited a friend and talked horses and dogs and writing over tea - all of my favorite things! It was a lovely holiday with lots of laughter, good conversation, and much-needed relaxation.


  1. They are so cute! It sounds like you all had wonderful Thanksgiving! :D

  2. Sounds like a lovely day. So glad both girls were able to enjoy it with you.

    I wonder if in time Boca's good example will improve Ruby's recall?

    1. No sign of that yet...Ruby is so excited by all the sights, smells and sounds of the Big Outdoors that she seems to lose that pack mentality, unfortunately. We just don't have anywhere to practice, though I'm hoping that we can get lucky and have the dog park to ourselves some cold, early morning this winter.

  3. It sounds like you had a lovely holiday!

  4. I'm so glad it was a successful Thanksgiving with your girls and all that activity! Love that last photo!

  5. I love the photos! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks, Rebekah! Did your dogs get a special Thanksgiving meal?

  6. Glad you had such a lovely Thanksgiving!

    I have to laugh at all your wonderful photos of the Ginger Sisters snuggling. In our house, Habi is extremely offended if Obi accidentally lies down touching her (oooh, cooties!), but it's perfectly fine if SHE overlaps HIM (though that only happens if they both end up in the same dog bed by accident when I ask them to Den).

    However, it was just brought to my attention that one can clicker-train tolerance to closeness, so perhaps we'll try that. As they get along well in all other situations, it's not a high priority - until I see your photos and get envious of that degree of sisterhood :-)

    1. My previous dogs were a lot like you describe Obi and Habi - they were rarely anywhere near each other, although they would huddle together in a thunderstorm.

      Ruby's and Boca's relationship is so sweet, and I don't take it for granted one single day!

      I use "den" as my kennel up cue, too!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! It sounds like you had a wonderful one!

  8. It's so great being able to take along both sisters for the holidays; I'm glad to hear they did so well. It certainly looks like they were pretty tuckered out after all the excitement. The whining in the car is something I can relate to - whenever we slow down Laika's whining begins. We really must be stopping, right?

  9. Great photos! Sounds like you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    I usually don't like roasted Brussels sprouts at all, but we also had some wonderful Brussels sprouts this year for Thanksgiving!


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