
July 21, 2015

Frozen Pumpkin Treats with Goat Milk and Turmeric

frozen dog treats pumpkin goat milk turmeric

I decided to make The Ginger Sisters some frozen treats this weekend, and I wanted them to be healthy. I chose a base of pumpkin and goat milk - two things I almost always have on hand - and wanted to add one more beneficial ingredient. I have read about the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying qualities of turmeric and happened to have a jar of it, so I was ready to whip up my creation!

turmeric pumpkin goat milk dog treat

I already know that Ruby and Boca like goat milk - we've used both the dehydrated powder from The Honest Kitchen, and more recently tried the raw goat milk with honey and cinnamon from Answers Pet Food. When using canned pumpkin, always make sure it is 100% pumpkin with no additives or spices. There are several things to know about turmeric. First, it acts as a blood thinner, so you should not give it to a dog leading up to a surgery or on any medications with blood thinning properties. Second, there are various schools of thought on increasing its potency which are addressed in recipes for golden paste. I did not make the paste for these treats, but I did add a small amount of black pepper, which is said to aid its absorption.

goat milk pumpkin turmeric

Knowing that when I use my Freezy Pups tray to make 14 bone-shaped treats, I need approximately one cup of liquid, I formulated the following recipe accordingly. I also wanted each treat to contain no more than the recommended dosage of turmeric for each dog (1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight per day) and erred on the conservative side so please adjust accordingly if you make a different number of treats.
frozen dog treat recipe pumpkin goat milk turmeric

I used my immersion blender to combine the ingredients in a measuring cup. Being familiar with the bright yellow stain that turmeric can leave, I coated my ice-bone tray with coconut oil - another healthy addition - and it did work to repel the staining for the most part. I let the tray sit out on the counter for a few minutes before removing the frozen treats. I have heard that silicon mold trays also work well.

dog with frozen treats

Ruby and Boca were more than ready to taste their home-made healthy treats. Ruby is happy with plain old ice cubes and comes running if she hears one fall on the floor, so take their review with a grain of salt, but both dogs enjoyed the frozen creations, finishing them just as quickly as their other "pupsicles" that I've made. Since we're going through this summer without air conditioning, I like to have refreshing treats on hand for my sweet girls. This is something I will probably make regularly! 

Disclaimer: I am not a veterinarian or pet nutritionist, I'm simply sharing things I've picked up along the path of determining what works for my dogs. Please do your own research before adding supplements to your dog's diet. 

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  1. If I had fresh goat's milk, I'd be making cheese and yogurt. ;) But those look like great treats!

  2. Sounds very gourmet compared to our plain jane chicken stock pupsicles! May have to break out the immersion blender in our house too, thanks for sharing!

    1. I normally make them with The Honest Kitchen broth mix, so this was elaborate for me, too, but they were quick to make. Getting the mixture into the tray was the trickiest part.

  3. We have that exact can of Punkin. Sounds simply yummy
    Lily & Edward

  4. OMG those look so good. Will have try them.

  5. This looks sooooo gooood! Lovely homemade healthy natural treats! <3 Perfect for hot days! :)

  6. Those sound very tasty and easy to make. Thanks!

  7. Those are freaking adorable! I'll have to make some for the crew.

  8. I've never used turmeric before. Am I a bad person?

  9. What a brilliant idea! I am going to make some!

  10. Someone was just praising tumeric to me the other day. I wonder if I could just sprinkle some on some meat.

  11. I love these! Added to my list :)

  12. What a great and easy recipe! Thank you for sharing this...I'm going to have to make it for my dogs!

  13. Nice. Going to add some CO. Turmeric also needs an oil to be effective


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